Course Overview
The course concept is straightforward we'll start by setting up the Webstorm IDE step by step, then introduce Typescript as a superior Javascript, demonstrating many of the ES6 capabilities that we can utilize right now. Then we'll go through the type system in detail, focusing on the capabilities that Typescript supports. With everything in place, we'll begin creating our REST API from the ground up, gradually improving it.
We'll Typescript Traning in Delhi study recommended practices for designing a functional backend and how to use Express to create APIs. We'll talk about API security and error handling, for example. We'll use Sequelize is our ORM of choice, and we'll show you how to query a couple of tables, as well as how to break down our software into little reusable functions that you can use to create promise chains to handle API calls.
What is Typescript?
TypeScript is a javascript framework that is mostly developed by Microsoft and has a single open-source compiler. TypeScript's purpose is to make JavaScript development more efficient by using a type system to discover problems early.
Angular is a framework for creating client applications using HTML and JavaScript or a language that compiles to JavaScript, such as TypeScript. The framework is made up of numerous libraries, some of which are required and others that are optional. Compose HTML templates using Angularized markup, build component classes to control those templates, add application logic in services, then box components and services in modules to create Angular apps. The program is then launched by bootstrapping the root module. Angular takes control, displaying your app's content in a browser and responding to user interactions according to your directions.